For the past couple of years I've been engaged in a serious internal debate: Who is more awesome- Ina Garten or Nigella Lawson? Both have fabulous life stories. Both make great food. Both make a fabulous living making great food. I just can't decide. I will tell you though, this cake gives Nigella a bit of an edge (well, the cake and the British accent). I've made it several times for special occasions. It is beyond rich and sweet and would go perfect with some vanilla ice cream in the summer. I like to decorate the cake with almond slivers shaped into flowers and blackberries (above). Blackberries are so underrated in baking. Why? WHY, I ASK YOU? I love them. Nigella's original recipe called for marzipan honeybees, which I made once, but was underwhelmed by.
Tip: the consistency of the icing is key. Make sure you do not pour it over the cake while it is still too hot, or everything will run off and form a giant puddle on the plate below (and possibly on the table below the plate below). Also, when in doubt make more icing than the recipe calls for- better have too much (which, oh i don't know, you could dip blackberries in) than to run out and make more, which inevitably will be a different color than your first batch.